Mr. Happy Work’s Story

My Story

Mr. Happy Work My Story

For the longest time, it wasn’t easy for me to find happiness in work. My career was all over the map and nothing was turning out like I imagined it would. I pursued a career I was passionate about only to find out it was horrifically unstable. Then I pursued a career that was great for stability only to find out I absolutely hated the work itself. In between all of that, I dealt with a great deal of frustrating unemployment due to layoffs and a countless number of minimum wage jobs – whatever I could get – just to keep a roof above my head and food on the table.

Despite my efforts, I nearly ended up homeless, only saved at the last minute by gracious family members who allowed me to live with them for free. I was miserable. Ever since I was a little kid I dreamed of having a happy and successful career, but nothing was working out.

I spent countless time trying to improve my job situation. THOUSANDS of hours. Writing resumes and cover letters. Job hunting tirelessly around the clock. Attending networking events and seminars. Learning new skills. Going to college to get new degrees and earning new certifications. Reading books and articles for professional development. I was willing to try anything that could help, and over time I amassed an impressive resume, or so I thought…

Unfortunately, all I usually got was rejection after rejection. The world of work and employment turned out to be far trickier than I ever imagined, and there were rules of the game I did not yet fully grasp. Every job I really wanted and felt great about I was never offered, and the jobs I was offered (and took) often turned out to be terrible.

I also saw horrific things as I worked professionally… corruption, unethical behavior, harassment, backstabbing, greed, toxicity… the worst qualities of individuals all thrown under one roof called “work”. I just knew that things could be better. I would see glimpses of happiness in the thick outer shell of my work, and I worked tirelessly to pull back those layers and find the true happiness that was within.

It ultimately took me fifteen years of studying and analyzing the world of jobs, careers, company cultures, and business (all while getting knocked down over and over again) until something finally clicked and I found myself equipped with the knowledge and tools to find happiness in work and make sense of the crazy world of work.

Before I knew it, I was overwhelmed by the new opportunities that were presenting themselves to me. I found success where I previously found failure, and I had become graceful at navigating the delicate intricacies of working in America. Things were actually working out!  I was happy, truly happy, regardless of the work or job I had.

The newfound happiness I found in my work carried over to my personal and family life and my relationships improved. Previously broken pieces of my life like poor health and shaky financial stability began to mend themselves. Being able to feel happy in my work, even when the jobs were not great, was the foundation that enabled me to feel complete and fulfilled in all aspects of life. I had found my happiness in work, and it was at that moment I became more passionate than ever about helping people find happiness in their work as well. Mr. Happy Work was born.

I don’t want people to struggle like I did trying to find happiness in work. We all deserve to be happy in work and life, and it’s out there waiting for us. I want to share my experiences and the lessons I learned in hopes that they will help you find happiness in your work as well.

Thank you for reading and I’m happy to have you here!

Yours Truly,
– Mr. Happy Work

Looking to learn more about me and what I’m doing now? Check out the “Who is Mr. Happy Work” page.  You can also see the Mr. Happy Work mission on the About page.

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