Welcome to Mr. Happy Work!
Where Finding Happiness in Work can be a Possibility.
I’m Mr. Happy Work and I started this website because I believe work should be more than just the boring, awful, tedious, soul-sucking, agonizing thing you do for the majority of your life just to be able to… live life. I always have felt work should be something people can get excited about, something they can really feel happy about doing every day. After all, the average person will spend 50% of their waking hours for ~40 years of their life at their job, so why shouldn’t work be a good thing?
Some may want work that is fun or fulfilling, while others want as much money as possible. Others might feel driven to climb to the top of their career paths, start their own businesses, or simply wish for a stable job that affords a comfortable lifestyle. Some people may even discover they just want to find ways to work less so they can spend more time on the things they really love, like family, friends, or hobbies, while still being financially secure. No matter what your work situation, goals, and aspirations are, I believe that happiness can be found in work.
Now, I hear you, “It’s not that simple”, or “You don’t understand how bad my job is” (Among many other complaints). I GET it – and you’re right. It’s NOT simple. The truth of the matter is that the world of work, jobs, and careers is a messy one. Regardless if you work for a big employer or small, run your own business, or maybe pursue an unorthodox living, you’ll be sure to encounter many hurdles, obstacles, and other difficulties along the path to finding happiness. At times, the crazy company politics, toxic work environments and co-workers, or financial strains may feel unbearable. Other times you may just feel lost and confused about where you want to head in life and feel stuck trying to figure out what is the right thing for you. It’s not easy to navigate today’s work and business world!
For the longest time, it wasn’t easy for me to find happiness in work either. My career was all over the map. Nothing turned out like I imagined it would. Everything about work was a disappointment to me and I spent many years suffering from depression and anxiety SOLELY because of work-related issues. I felt I may be doomed forever to be stuck performing soul-draining work for just barely enough money to live on. However, I was OBSESSED with the idea that happiness COULD be found in work, and I studied the topic tirelessly.
I read countless books and articles on work-related topics. Studied business textbooks and research papers. I interviewed and spoke with hundreds of individuals about their careers and workplaces and what they liked or didn’t like about them. I analyzed people who were successful and happy with their work taking note of what key things those individuals were doing. Where they worked, how they worked, what their background was. All the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that their overall situation was comprised of. I just had to find the answers.
It took 15 years of studying and constantly being knocked down in my pursuit of happiness in work, but slowly and surely, something clicked. I found myself armed with the knowledge of how to navigate the crazy world of work and equipped with the tools to find happiness no matter where I was working. Every aspect of my life improved. The newfound happiness I found in my work carried over to my personal and family life and my relationships improved. Previously broken pieces of my life like poor health and shaky finances began to mend themselves. Being able to feel happy in my work, even when the jobs were not great, was the foundation that enabled me to feel complete and fulfilled in all aspects of life. It was at that moment that I became more passionate than ever about helping people find the happiness in their work as well, and Mr. Happy Work was born.
I won’t say it’s simple to find happiness in work, and some jobs or situations are so bad that you should remove yourself from them entirely, but I’ve spent the past 15 years studying and analyzing the world of work, careers, company cultures, and business, and I want to use this website as an opportunity to share my experiences and lessons learned in hopes that it will help you find happiness in your work as well. I don’t want people to struggle like I did. We all deserve to be happy in work and it’s out there waiting for us. Here’s to finding that happiness!
Yours Truly,
– Mr. Happy Work
Good stuff, Frank. Work is something nearly all of have to do, so it will be refreshing to see a real world take on how to succeed in it. I’m looking forward to seeing your future content. Keep up the good work.
Thank you, Ryan! I really want to share ways people can find success and happiness in the crazy world of work and employment. Happy to have you here!